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DAMASKINA Multi Active Enzyme Mask Rose+ 75ml 玫瑰莊園皇牌面膜



保加利亞製造 清潔肌膚在護膚過程中,是最重要的步驟,要徹底潔淨肌膚,就可為肌膚帶出最有效及最持久的效果。 82%天然成分,不含果酸,結合三種潔淨及美白的的優點︰物理、化學和酵素, 採用大馬士革玫瑰油及純露作為基本,配以獨特配方內的矽藻土、絲瓜果粉和木瓜酵素,瞬間暢通堵塞的毛孔,亮澤暗啞膚色,柔滑粗糙膚質,重現剔透淨白的肌膚。 矽藻土猶如肌膚吸塵器,吸走所有污垢及殘餘物,同時細緻毛孔,讓肌膚變得平滑而淨透。 適合︰中至乾性、混合性、輕熟、暗啞 主要成份︰大馬士革玫瑰油、大馬士革玫瑰純露、矽藻土、木瓜酵素、絲瓜果粉、維他命複合物 (B5、B3 和 E) 功效︰  溫和地吸附面上積聚多時及老化的角質層、化妝品的殘餘物。  溶解角質死皮,徹底清除油脂污垢、黑頭粉刺,暢通堵塞的毛孔,柔滑粗糙膚質。  促進細胞微循環、加速新陳代謝、緊緻毛孔,水潤回彈。  喚醒肌膚重生、鎖水保濕。  抗炎抗菌、舒緩鎮靜。  深層去除肌膚積聚的黑色素、淡化色班、退印去黃,改善暗沉膚色。  回復光澤透亮、柔軟白滑。 使用方法︰ 1. 一般膚質︰深層潔淨 避開眼部四周,均勻塗於潔淨的肌膚上,十五分鐘後,用溫水沾濕雙手,由下而上輕輕向外打圈按摩清潔,再以清水徹底沖洗乾淨,隨後進行您日常護膚程序。 ** 建議剛開始使用時,隔天使用一次,持續一星期。隨後可按肌膚需要,每週使用一至兩次。 2. 暗瘡膚質︰潔淨肌膚 避開眼部四周及暗瘡位置,薄薄地塗於潔淨的肌膚上,五分鐘後,以溫水沾濕棉花,輕輕抹洗,隨後進行您日常護膚程序。 ** 建議每週使用一次。 **由於使用天然成分,不同批次產品之顏色及氣味會略有差異,此乃正常現象,並不影響產品質素。 注意:僅供外用,請將本產品放在兒童不能接觸的地方,避免接觸眼睛。 在懷孕或哺乳期間,使用產品前請諮詢您的醫生。 儲存: 按原包裝存放於陰涼乾燥處。遠離熱源和避免陽光直射。由於使用天然 成分,不同批次產品之顏色及氣味會略有差異,此乃正常現象,並不影響產品質 素。 The most important step in the skin care process is to clean the skin. Cleansing your skin thoroughly will give you the best and longest-lasting results. The unique formula contains 82% natural ingredients, without fruit acids. Together with three cleansing and whitening advantages: physical, chemical, and enzyme. Rosa Damascena Flower Oil and Rosa Damascena Flower Water as the base, together with diatomaceous earth, loofah fruit powder, and papaya enzyme, the unique formula instantly unclogs pores and brightens dull complexions. Diatomaceous earth acts as a skin vacuum cleaner, removing all dirt and residue while refining pores, leaving skin smooth and clear. Suitable for:Normal to dry, combination, slightly mature, dull skin Main ingredients: ROSA DAMASCENA FLOWER WATER, ROSA DAMASCENA FLOWER OIL , DIATOMACEOUS EARTH, PAPAIN, LUFFA CYLINDRICA FRUIT POWDER, VITAMIN COMPLEX (B5.B3 AND E) Ideal for: 1. The long-accumulated aged stratum corneum and cosmetic residues on the surface are gently absorbed. 2. Dissolve dead skin cells, remove grease, dirt, blackheads, thoroughly, unblock clogged pores and smooth rough skin. 3. Enhance cell microcirculation, accelerate metabolism, tighten pores, moisturize and firming. 4. Rejuvenate skin and retain water on the skin. 5. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, soothing and calming 6. Deeply remove the accumulated melanin in the skin , lighten yellowish skin tone and erase the spot . Improve dull complexion of the skin. 7. Regain skin translucent, soft and smooth.. Usage: 1. Normal Skin Type: Deep cleansing Avoid eyes area, apply evenly on clean skin, after 15 minutes, wet hands with warm water, gently massage from bottom to top, then rinse thoroughly with water, and then carry out your daily skin care program. ** It is recommended to start using every other day for a week. Then use once or twice a week depends on the status of the skin. 2. Acne-prone skin: Cleansing Avoid eyes and acne areas, apply a thin layer on clean skin, after 5 minutes, moisten cotton with warm water, wipe gently, and then carry out your daily skin care routine. ** It is recommended to use once a week. REMARKS: Due to the use of natural ingredients, the color and smell of different batches of products may vary slightly. This is a normal phenomenon and does not affect product quality Attention: For external use only. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. Please consult with your doctor before using the products during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Storage: Keep the original packaging in a cool, dry place. Keep away from heat and direct sunlight. Due to the use of natural ingredients, the color and smell of different batches of products may vary slightly. This is a normal phenomenon and does not affect product quality.



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